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Więcej informacji na ten temat znajdziesz w polityce prywatności.
This refined alcoholic beverage was drunk already a long time ago in order to ensure good health. When creating the products under Potęga Tradycji (the Power of Tradition) brand from Konin, we know well that consuming wine (in reasonable amounts) ensures longer and healthier life. Hence, an idea of producing fruit wine based on traditional recipes.
In pair with modernity
Old recipes, a technological process based on a traditional fermentation method, a high quality raw material and a creation process modern management provide the top quality and outstanding taste and smell values. This is how traditional fruit wine is made under Potęga Tradycji brand. The Company cooperates with fruit-growers from nearly all over Poland, taking care so that fruit used in production is top quality.
Following Wincenta Zawadzka’s statement “fruit wine is a tradition in our cuisine”, we try to re-introduce fruit wine to our tables.
We have released the group of wine from Polish fruit, among others: aronia, sour cherry, black currant, plum, rowan, brier and strawberry. This group includes, among others, ecological wine; whereas, black currant wine is entered in the list of traditional and regional products kept by the Ministry of Agriculture (link do strony). The Company, since 2012, has been a member of Wielkopolska Cuisine Heritage network (link do strony). In the winter season, we offer mulled wine.
Potęga Tradycji cooperates with the Medical University in Warsaw and submitted its products to tests titled: “The evaluation of the ability of wine to sweep radicals by means of a paramagnetic resonance”. In the conclusion of the study co-edited by Professor Iwona Wawer – the Head of the Physical Chemistry Department of the Medical University – it is stated that “VIN-KON fruit wine made from sour cherry and aronia obtained surprisingly good results compared to grape wine, what confirms that both types of fruit are comparable with black grape. Both sour cherry and aronia fruit has a high content of polyphenols, including anthocyanins. The test results prove an opinion that dark fruit and fruit preserves (e.g. wine) are an excellent source of antioxidants and should be regularly included in a menu”. Why should we sweep radicals? Because they are one of the possible causes of circulatory system and nervous system diseases. The results of tests carried out by Warsaw scientists confirm that red wine, also fruit wine and wine from Konin, may prevent heart and nervous problems.
A sweet aroma of brier fruit hidden in homemade wine. Old recipes and traditional fermentation methods transfer healthy and ecological fruit into a beverage with a gourmet aroma, original taste and subtle colour. Brier fruit has an overall strengthening activity. Vitamin C and other vitamins present in brier supplement vitamin deficiencies in cold, excessive vascular fragility and gallstone or kidney stone disease. Flavonoids in brier fruit provide a cholagogue and diastolic effect. Brier has a positive effect also in the case of digestive disorders, diarrhoea, stomach ulcer and contagious diseases.